The BEST episodes directed by Camille Marchetta

#1 - The Will
Dynasty - Season 5 - Episode 14
Claudia rebuffs Steven's conciliatory attempts. Tension between Dex and Amanda continues to mount. Baby Kristina is allowed to leave the hospital. Jeff remains intent upon his mission to find Fallon with the help of Nikki, who has fallen in love with him. On his deathbed, Tom Carrington makes amends with Blake, and in a final dramatic gesture, has his will changed. His vast estate is to be divided among Blake, Alexis, and his acknowledged daughter, Dominique, whom he names as executor.
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#2 - That Holiday Spirit
Dynasty - Season 5 - Episode 12
Blake buys back his racehorse Allegre from owner Daniel Reece, who sends Krystle a gift. Furious, she demands to know how he dare approach her after what happened with her sister, Iris. Amanda learns she is Blake's daughter. Blake, meanwhile, has contacted his father, who claims that Dominique is not his daughter. Claudia confesses her affair with Dean Caldwell to Steven.
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#3 - Kidnap
Dynasty - Season 5 - Episode 27
As Alexis and Amanda emerge from an exclusive bridal salon, a car suddenly screeches to a halt and Amanda is pulled inside. A high-speed chase ensues. As Dex forces the kidnapper's car onto the sidewalk, Amanda breaks free. It is clear that Yuri, the Prince's chief bodyguard, is behind the kidnap plot. Steven requests Luke accompany him to Amanda's wedding. Adam and Claudia profess their love. Dex receives a telegram bearing tragic news. At a Los Angeles police station, a young woman appears who bears a striking resemblance to Fallon.
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#4 - The Heiress
Dynasty - Season 5 - Episode 28
Dex tells a devastated Krystle that Daniel Reece is dead. Steven is outraged when Sammy Jo decides to fight for custody of her son in court. Amanda and Alexis arrive in Moldavia and are greeted by Prince Michael and his father, King Galen. Jeff proposes marriage to Ashley. Sammy Jo learns that although she's Daniel's beneficiary, her monies will be held in trust with Krystle as executor. Finding former fiancée Elena in Michael's arms, Amanda tosses her engagement ring at the prince and dashes out. Yuri watches from the shadows as Dex comforts her.
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#5 - Royal Wedding
Dynasty - Season 5 - Episode 29
Elena confesses to Amanda that nothing happened in the bedroom with Prince Michael. Sammy Jo fits her roommate Rita with a blonde wig and has her practice duplicating Krystle's voice. Fallon has chosen a new name and heads for Denver. Dex is kidnapped by Yuri and his gang as Amanda and Michael recite their wedding vows. Dex breaks free from his captors and heads for the chapel, where terrorists have opened fire on the entire wedding party.
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#7 - The Avenger
Dynasty - Season 5 - Episode 13
Krystle reconciles with Daniel, who reveals that his break-up with her sister was amicable. Dominique, bitter over Blake's continued refusal to acknowledge her as a Carrington, considers a number of alternative courses, including a generous offer from Alexis for her share of Denver-Carrington. Claudia moves into La Mirage. Krystle confides to Steven that Daniel is Sammy Jo's father and therefore little Danny's grandfather. Jeff and Nicole find the missing piece of a map that DeVilbis and Fallon had shared in the hope of finding buried treasure. Blake's father suffers a heart attack.
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#8 - The Rescue
Dynasty - Season 5 - Episode 4
In Seattle, Jeff and Blake learn the woman who died in the plane crash with Peter DeVilbis cannot be positively identified, but the ring she was wearing is indeed Fallon's wedding band. Jeff creates a scene at Fallon's funeral. Steven meets Sammy Jo in Los Angeles, where she demands payment of $3O,OOO per month for Danny's return. After Claudia points out his behavior only isolates him from the family, Adam is moved to action. Adam breaks into Sammy Jo's motel room and retrieves little Danny.
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#9 - Disappearance
Dynasty - Season 5 - Episode 1
Following a serious traffic accident, Fallon mysteriously vanishes. Dex and Steven bail Alexis out of jail. Sammy Jo attempts to seduce Adam. Alexis flatters Adam by suggesting he work with her defense attorney, Warren Ballard. Dominique's husband Brady arrives at La Mirage and finds his wife suddenly interested in staying in Denver. Steven accuses his mother of killing Mark Jennings and ruining Blake's business. Despite her pleas, Steven tells his father everything. Steven orders Sammy Jo from the mansion. She counters by promising she'll sue for custody of Danny. After duping Adam into letting Danny ride along with her to the airport, Sammy Jo dashes off, kidnapping her son.
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#10 - The Secret
Dynasty - Season 5 - Episode 8
Amanda insists Alexis acknowledge their relationship and begs her to reveal her father's identity. Alexis tells her it was simply an anonymous ski instructor in Gstaad. Steven and Alexis reconcile and he rejoins Colbyco, where Luke Fuller, an attractive young man, has just been hired as public relations director. Claudia enters Steven's office to find Luke straightening her husband's tie. Amanda goes public with a front page story announcing she is Alexis' illegitimate daughter. Jeff meets an attractive young widow, Nicole, whose late husband was Peter DeVilbis.
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#11 - The Mortgage
Dynasty - Season 5 - Episode 2
Steven accuses Adam of conspiring with Sammy Jo to kidnap Danny. Blake arranges to take out a mortgage on the mansion. He little suspects Alexis has signed the note and will become the owner if he defaults. A cross-country search for Fallon has developed few leads. Warren Ballard and Adam prepare Alexis' defense. Dominique Deveraux makes her singing debut at La Mirage, with Blake and Krystle in attendance. Krystle quickly senses Dominique's hostility toward Blake. Brady declines the Carrington's hospitality as well. Jeff finds a truck driver who gave Fallon a lift to Portland, Oregon, the night of the accident.
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#12 - Krystina
Dynasty - Season 5 - Episode 10
Krystle goes into premature labor and delivers a baby girl, who suffers from respiratory problems. She names the child Kristina after a friend who once saved her life. Claudia is uneasy when Steven accompanies Luke on a business trip. After confiding in Dean Caldwell, he moves to hug her, and the two are soon in a passionate embrace. Amanda overhears Dex tell Alexis to stop hiding the identity of Amanda's father. Jeff finds a photo of Peter DeVilbis in Nikki's hotel room.
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#13 - The Verdict
Dynasty - Season 5 - Episode 6
On the witness stand Steven testifies he saw Alexis push Mark to his death. Furious, hurt, and still claiming her innocence, Alexis disowns Steven. Dominique offers Blake $25 million for control of his company. Stunned, Blake offers her 40% of Denver-Carrington for $30 million. Jeff sees other women in an attempt to forget Fallon, but remains obsessed with his ex-wife. Dismissing her attorneys and deciding to represent herself, Alexis takes the stand and testifies she was not wearing the cape that incriminated her. The prosecution, however, proves it had been delivered to her and was found stuffed in a trash bin behind her building. The verdict is at last delivered: Alexis is found guilty.
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#14 - Reconciliation
Dynasty - Season 5 - Episode 25
Blake and Daniel survive the plane crash. Jeff charters a helicopter and braves hazardous conditions to finally locate the wreckage. Dominique warns Ashley not to jeopardize Blake's marriage. Krystle and Blake finally clear the air and renew their commitment to each other. Amanda reconciles with Prince Michael, and the wedding is back on. Krystle visits Daniel and tells him he is the father of her sister Iris' baby, Sammy Jo.
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#15 - Swept Away
Dynasty - Season 5 - Episode 11
Upon learning that he may be Amanda's father, Blake resolves to ask Amanda to take a blood test. Nicole tells Jeff there's a chance Peter DeVilbis may have been with another woman at the time of the crash. Under the pretense of a family outing, Alexis arranges to send Dex and Amanda to a ski lodge. With the tension growing between them, Amanda and Dex begin to fight. Their fury, however, soon turns to passion. Alexis finally arrives and announces the three are bound for London, where she and Dex will marry.
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#17 - The Treasure
Dynasty - Season 5 - Episode 15
Krystle begins working with Daniel. Blake is adamantly opposed and exchanges harsh words with Reece. Dex is furious with Alexis for traveling to Sumatra to see Blake's father. Alexis learns from Amanda of Dex's experience with Daniel in Vietnam. Jeff and Nikki follow the treasure map to a remote jungle location and find a statue filled with jewels, as well as a woman who has been impersonating Fallon. Jeff awakens the following day and learns that while celebrating, he and Nikki were married.
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#18 - The Collapse
Dynasty - Season 5 - Episode 20
Tensions between Krystle and Blake mount as their suspicions of one another grow. Claudia regrets sleeping with Adam. Dominique derails Alexis' attempt to buyout her company, but is unable to stop Brady's divorce proceedings. Alexis hires a private detective to investigate the circumstances surrounding Jeff's marriage to Nikki: She learns the girl fabricated the marriage license and deluded Jeff into believing he had married her while drunk. Jeff confronts Nikki, who confesses and leaves the mansion. Dominique is suddenly seized with a violent cough and drops to the floor, unconscious.
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#19 - Sammy Jo
Dynasty - Season 5 - Episode 26
Krystle accompanies Daniel to New York for his reunion with Sammy Jo, the child he's never known. While looking through photos Ashley snapped on assignment at a rock concert, Jeff is stunned to spot Fallon among the crowd. Steven's upset to see Luke having dinner with another man. Adam alters vital information on an urgent business wire to make Jeff appear incompetent. Correcting Jeff's 'error' at the last minute, Adam gains points with Blake. Before departing for the Middle East, Daniel extracts a promise from Krystle to take care of Sammy Jo should danger befall him overseas.
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#20 - Fallon
Dynasty - Season 5 - Episode 3
To secure financing for his bankrupt company, Blake arranges to see Billy Waite, a notoriously underhanded oil man. Jeff continues his search for Fallon. Impatient with the progress her lawyer is making on her defense, Alexis fires Warren Ballard and retains Adam. Alexis visits Billy Waite in South America under the guise of concern about Blake's misfortunes. As she prepares to leave, the police arrive. She is arrested for fleeing to avoid prosecution and led away by the police. At an isolated religious retreat, Jeff learns Fallon is dead and that she died along with Peter DeVilbis.
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#21 - Foreign Relations
Dynasty - Season 5 - Episode 16
Krystle launches her new business with the purchase of an Arabian horse. Sexual tension between Steven and Luke mounts. Jeff and Nikki return from Bolivia with the news of their marriage and they move into the mansion. Alexis is intrigued with Blake's recent meeting with a delegation from China. It was arranged by Lady Ashley Mitchell, an internationally known photojournalist and widow of a wealthy British lord. After Lady Ashley and Blake enjoy a lovely dinner together, she impetuously kisses him.
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#22 - Life and Death
Dynasty - Season 5 - Episode 21
Dominique remains in critical condition after collapsing. Luke pays an unexpected visit to Steven. Blake tells his son that he will support him regardless of his sexual persuasion. Krystle and Ashley exchange heated words. Dex returns from his secret mission quite ill, and in his feverish raving, he calls out for Amanda. Alexis calls her former lover, King Galen, a Middle Eastern monarch and Prince Michael's father. She wants to make a marriage match for Amanda and Michael.
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#23 - Amanda
Dynasty - Season 5 - Episode 7
Adam and Dex vow to prove Alexis' innocence and begin a determined campaign. The woman who testified she had seen Alexis on the terrace with Mark had hosted a party that evening and snapped photographs. The negatives reveal it was Neal McVane who had framed Alexis for Mark's murder. Alexis is freed. Denver-Carrington is back in business. Alexis vows revenge on Dominique when she learns of her new partnership with Blake. Brady is stunned to learn of Dominique's true relationship with Blake. Upon returning home, Alexis receives a visit from a beautiful young woman named Amanda. She is Alexis' daughter.
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