The BEST episodes directed by Brian Kalin O'connell

#1 - The Lawless (3)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 5 - Episode 16
Morality separates heroes from villains. Using Duchess Satine as bait, Darth Maul lures Obi-Wan into a trap.
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#2 - The Lost One (1)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 6 - Episode 10
What is lost is often found. A Jedi mission finds a lightsaber belonging to the long-dead Master Sifo-Dyas, prompting Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Anakin Skywalker to begin an investigation into his decade-old disappearance. This sparks Darth Sidious to order Darth Tyranus to clean up any loose ends that may lead the Jedi to discover the truth of the Sith conspiracy.
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#3 - Revenge (4)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 4 - Episode 22
The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Savage and Maul, now reunited, pursue Obi-Wan Kenobi in search of revenge, and the Jedi Knight finds himself forced to unite with a surprising ally to defend against the deadly siblings.
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#4 - The Box (3)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 4 - Episode 17
The strong survive, the noble overcome. The disguised Obi-Wan accompanies Cad Bane and Moralo Eval to Serenno, where they enlist in a brutal competition with other bounty hunters from around the galaxy to determine who will participate in a plot to kidnap the Chancellor.
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#5 - Conspiracy (2)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 6 - Episode 2
The wise benefit from a second opinion. In the sterile laboratories of Kamino, the ailing clone trooper Tup and his friend Fives are quarantined for examination following Tup's shocking murder of a Jedi Master. With the help of medical droid AZI-3, Fives is determined to get to the bottom of Tup's condition and uncovers a secret deep within the Republic cloning program.
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#6 - Sabotage (1)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 5 - Episode 17
Sometimes even the smallest doubt can shake the greatest belief. Anakin and Ahsoka investigate a deadly bombing at the Jedi Temple.
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#7 - Altar of Mortis (2)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 3 - Episode 16
He who surrenders hope, surrenders life. Before the Jedi can leave Mortis, the Son takes Ahsoka captive in an attempt to entice Anakin into joining him to use their combined strength to overpower his Father and Sister. To this end, the Son casts Ahsoka under the spell of the dark side. Meanwhile, the Father attempts to stave off a disastrous showdown between his children and maintain the Force's increasingly precarious balance on the planet. Fearing that the Son may be unstoppable, the Daughter does the forbidden by taking Obi-Wan Kenobi to the Altar of Mortis, wherein is kept the Dagger of Mortis, a weapon capable of killing a Force wielder. The Son steals the weapon, and attempts to use it against his Father to steal his power and end his rule, but the Daughter sacrifices herself, placing herself in front of the blade.
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#8 - Counterattack (2)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 3 - Episode 19
Anything that can go wrong will. With freed prisoners in their possession and the brutal warden attempting desperately to thwart them, Obi-Wan and Anakin search for a way out of the Citadel and back to Coruscant. The prison, however, has more traps, perils, and pitfalls in store for them than they had imagined and they must work past their differences if they are to escape. Their bid to board their shuttle fails when heavy weapons fire destroys the escape craft. ARC trooper Echo dies in the blast. The escapees then flee to the caves and call for rescue from the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.
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#9 - Unfinished Business (4)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 7 - Episode 4
Trust placed in another is trust earned. Anakin Skywalker and the Bad Batch attempt to gain a victory for the Republic.
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#10 - Bound for Rescue (3)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 5 - Episode 8
When we rescue others, we rescue ourselves. With Ahsoka captured by Hondo's pirates, the younglings work together to infiltrate the pirates' den, using their wits and courage to deceive Hondo Ohnaka and launch a daring rescue.
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#11 - Landing at Point Rain (2)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 2 - Episode 5
Believe in yourself or no one else will. Anakin, Ahsoka, Obi-Wan, and Ki-Adi-Mundi lead a landing party to destroy a droid factory on Geonosis.
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#12 - Slaves of the Republic (2)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 4 - Episode 12
Those who enslave others, inevitably become slaves themselves. To locate the missing colonists, Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka go undercover to infiltrate the slavers on Zygerria. Anakin struggles with his emotions as a wily Zygerrian queen forces him to take questionable actions in order to carry out his mission.
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#13 - Destroy Malevolence (3)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 1 - Episode 4
A plan is only as good as those who see it through. Padmé Amidala and C-3PO are taken hostage by General Grievous, leaving Anakin and Obi-Wan to save the Senator and complete the destruction of the Malevolence. Anakin and Obi-Wan chase down the Malevolence, hoping to destroy it before it can escape. But when Padmé and C-3PO are captured and held hostage aboard, the Jedi are forced to hatch a new plan.
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#14 - Children of the Force (3)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 2 - Episode 3
The first step to correcting a mistake is patience. Darth Sidious has a new dark assignment for bounty hunter Cad Bane: kidnap Force-sensitive children from across the galaxy and bring them to Mustafar.
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#15 - Shadow Warrior
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 4 - Episode 4
Who a person truly is cannot be seen with the eye. When the leader of the Gungans, Boss Lyonie, is injured it's discovered there is an uncanny resemblance between the Boss and Jar Jar Binks. Binks must sway his people from rising against the Naboo and stopping a Separatist invasion led by General Grievous.
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#16 - Storm Over Ryloth (1)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 1 - Episode 19
It is a rough road that leads to the heights of greatness. Ahsoka disobeys Anakin's orders and loses most of her squadron - prompting Anakin to help give his Padawan a lesson in a respect for authority, and the opportunity for redemption.
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#17 - Duchess of Mandalore (3)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 2 - Episode 14
In war, truth is the first casualty. On Coruscant, word reaches Duchess Satine that Death Watch is mobilizing, sparking a pre-emptive Republic invasion. On the run from Republic authorities, Satine and Obi-Wan set off to discover the group's true motives.
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#18 - An Old Friend (1)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 6 - Episode 5
To love, is to trust. To trust is to believe. While on Scipio to fund a mercy mission, Padmé Amidala is called upon by an old friend, Rush Clovis, to help uncover corruption in the Banking Clan. They must evade the bounty hunter Embo to escape the planet with the incriminating information.
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#19 - Voyage of Temptation (2)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 2 - Episode 13
Fear not for the future, weep not for the past. As the Jedi and their clones defend Duchess Satine from assassination attempts, Anakin discovers that Obi-Wan and the duchess have a history together.
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#20 - Trespass
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 1 - Episode 15
Arrogance diminishes wisdom. While investigating the disappearance of a clone security force, Anakin and Obi-Wan get caught in the middle of an escalating conflict between the furry territorial inhabitants of a desolate ice world and the greedy representatives of a nearby moon.
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#21 - Gungan Attack (2)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 4 - Episode 2
Only through fire is a strong sword forged. Anakin Skywalker and the rest of his Jedi team have been overrun by the Separatist surprise attacks led by Riff Tamson while Prince Lee-Char and Ahsoka must evade capture on their own. Unable to summon more Republic aid, Yoda calls upon the help of the powerful and amphibious Gungan Grand Army, but whether they will be enough to stop the Separatist siege is uncertain. An incensed Tamson doubles his efforts in tracking down Prince Lee-Char, unleashing the reinforcements given to him by Count Dooku in an assault that churns the oceans.
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#22 - Supply Lines
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 3 - Episode 3
Where there's a will, there's a way. Ryloth is under siege. Trapped on the surface, Jedi Master Di rallies the local forces with the help of Cham Syndulla. Desperate to save them, the Jedi Council dispatches Senator Bail Organa and Representative Jar Jar Binks to the planet Toydaria, where they are to convince the neutral regent, King Katuunko, to send aid to Ryloth. Bail and Jar Jar must convince Toydaria that their cause is just -- before it's too late. Trade Federation envoy Lott Dod attempts to prevent the Toydarians from giving up their neutrality. Katuunko follows his conscience and secretly aids the Republic, which Jar Jar is able to keep secret from the snooping Trade Federation agents with his inimitable distractions.
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#23 - Evil Plans (1)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 3 - Episode 8
A failure in planning is a plan for failure. In the middle of a routine shopping trip on Coruscant, C-3PO is abducted by the bounty hunter Cad Bane. Bane is looking for information about the Senate Building on behalf of Jabba the Hutt. Finding C-3PO devoid of useful information, Bane and his accomplices kidnap R2-D2 and extract the vital data, before memory wiping the droids of the incident, and letting them on their way. The floor-plans and security details of the Senate building are part of a plot engineered by the Hutt families to free their imprisoned brother, Ziro the Hutt, who holds potentially damaging information about Hutt activities.
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#24 - Senate Murders
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 2 - Episode 15
Searching for the truth is easy. Accepting the truth is hard. When Senator Onaconda Farr dies under suspicious circumstances, Padmé sets out to find the person responsible for the death of her favorite 'uncle.'
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