The BEST episodes directed by Bren Simson
#2 - By The Skin Of Our Teeth
The Bill - Season 6 - Episode 1
Hollis is gossiping in the locker room. Able is sent to a pub to deal with a man on valium. The man ends going to his mother-in-law's and trashes the place. Able sorts out a fight outside a pub and discovers the drunk he brought in had been robbed. Brownlow and Conway discuss starting wages before Brownlow goes to a board selecting candidates for a graduated entry scheme.
#3 - All Part of The Job
The Bill - Season 5 - Episode 85
Brind sorts out a bit of bother in a pub. A man, who turns out to be from Special Branch, chats her up afterwards. Conway is not happy Brind is being put in dangerous situations and Frazer is not happy Brind radios the station in the middle of situations. Special Branch is trying to catch a villain coming from Spain on diplomatic passport to visit his sick mother. An asian girl has gone missing with her boyfriend, taking drugs with her.
#4 - Saturday Night Fever
The Bill - Season 5 - Episode 104
DC Carver is at the hospital checking on a stabbing of a drug dealer. WPC Martella has some info about the deceased which prompts DS Burnside to bring in a couple of suspects. Sgt. Peters is having a busy time in Custody. PC Garfield and WPC Brind bring in a girl who has knocked her mother out. Brind has to search her, and is hit by the girl who later tries to hang herself in her cell. It turns out she had stabbed her boyfriend, who turns out to be Carver's victim.