The BEST episodes directed by Bob Doherty

#1 - On the Fence
NYPD Blue - Season 11 - Episode 16
Sipowicz and Clark arrive at an early morning scene (so early it's still dark), where Hatcher has been wounded in a shoot out with a man in a window. Hatcher says he was chasing a black male suspect and was looking for him over a fence when a light came on behind him. He turned around and was shot by a guy in the window with a gun. Hatcher returned fire and struck the shooter. Sipowicz and Clark go up to interview the man that Hatcher shot and wounded. He tells them a different story; he says that he saw Hatcher draw his gun, whereas Hatcher says he already had his gun drawn. Sipowicz wants Hatcher to get his story straight, because a shooting involving a civilian is going to get the bosses involved. Sipowicz and Clark tell Gibson what they know about the morning's shooting. Gibson wants to know if they are standing by their fellow detective. Sipowicz responds that they are doing their job and investigating the shooting. Gibson wants to know what he's supposed to tell Hatcher'
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#2 - Family Ties
NYPD Blue - Season 8 - Episode 4
A tourist is raped in her hotel room on the 4th floor and the detectives begin their investigation in a hotel filled with swingers. The following morning Jones and Medavoy catch a homicide in that same hotel on the 8th floor. Are the crimes related? The head of security at the hotel is a retired cop that Sipowicz knows. Danny tells Andy about the relationship that Andy already suspected. Danny wants to make sure that Andy doesn't have a problem with it and later Diane asks him the same thing (although she doesn't seem as sure as Danny). Andy just wants to know if everyone's happy. The last number dialed by the homicide victim was to Stella Kensington; she's a prostitute who also happens to be a little person. It turns out the victim was a pimp who was able to furnish talent for unusual needs. And some of that talent leads the detectives to a witness of the homicide. Meanwhile, the hotel's lawyer offers the rape victim a $500,000 settlement. The rape victim's brother gets it raised to $
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#3 - Lost Time
NYPD Blue - Season 8 - Episode 18
Diane decides to take a leave of absence, instead of a transfer. She tries to leave just before the other detectives arrive, but is able talk with Andy and tells him to tell the others she will call each of them. Danny doesn't take the news well, especially throughout the day when hears the other getting their call. As the day begins, Sipowicz, Sorenson and McDowell investigate a homicide of a stripper who sold jewelry on the side. Jones and Medavoy also investigate the murder of a man (while in the company of his wife) who was killed because he wouldn't give up his ring, a memento from World War II. Cynthia Bunin drops by the precinct and he tells her about his plan to remarry Katie, she tells him to make sure that what he is doing is right for him as well as Theo. Sipowicz helps Jones and Medavoy in their case by going undercover to find their perps. Meanwhile another DOA is found, and McDowell and Sorenson investigate to discover it is the missing boyfriend of the murdered str
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#4 - In the Still of the Night
NYPD Blue - Season 8 - Episode 10
A small scuffle breaks out in the precinct lobby when the man who enters is identified as the one responsible for the vehicular homicide death of a cop's cousin. This is the second scuffle that the driver has gotten into with the surviving relatives. Sipowicz and Sorenson are able to negotiate to keep charges from being filed against all parties and everyone is satisfied. Captain Bass's wife is stabbed and Russell goes to speak with her, while Jones and Medavoy investigate the crime scene. Bass tells Fancy he wants a full court press to get the guy who did this. In the interim, with a little push from Medavoy, Jones and Haywood make a date for a night of doo-wop. Russell mentions to Fancy that is was suspected but never proven that Bass's wife might have set a fire she was involved in 10 years ago. John Irvin meets an antique toy dealer who is interested in seeing his lead soldier. Danny speaks with Diane about his plans to leave if he gets out of line again making her uncomfortable.
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#5 - What's Up, Chuck?
NYPD Blue - Season 6 - Episode 12
The detectives are called to scene of a homicide of man whose body was dumped, Medavoy and Martinez take the case as Russell and Kirkendall stop to offer advice to a family whose daughter may have gone missing and Sipowicz and Sorenson are held up in traffic. John Irvin reports to Sorenson and Sipowicz that he fears Dolores is in trouble, because she's turned to hooking. He knows that she was last seen with a well to do man named Malcolm Cullinan. His attempt to help her out only gets him into trouble, starting with a visit from James Sinclair, the high profile criminal defense attorney who is representing his wealthy client and one of Sipowicz's favorite people. The family Russell and Kirkendall stopped to help, bring a suspect to the station, a man with head problems confesses to dreaming about killing the girl. A man is beaten by the brothers of the victim in Medavoy and Martinez's homicide, but this man's story leads back to the one of the brothers. Sinclair shows up set to negotia

#6 - The Naked are the Dead
NYPD Blue - Season 7 - Episode 4
Sipowicz, Sorenson, Russell and Kirkendall begin investigating a homicide where the bodies of seven naked men are found. Medavoy and Martinez investigate a victim whose body might have been dumped near a sweatshop, but Greg is more interested in the female paramedic on the scene. Sipowicz and Sorenson get assistance from a department profiler that Sipowicz doesn't like and Morrison from the Organized Crime Bureau. After returning from a canvas, Jill gets a message that her ex-husband Don has been arrested. She goes to see him and he plans to use her giving the heads up to help save his ass. Never mind that that her losing her job will affect the kids. When she returns, Fancy finds out about her indiscretion and works to save her job. Meanwhile, Sipowicz and Sorenson work with Morrison to sit on a suspect that Morrison likes for the crime, which doesn't pan out, but a cab driver who picked up some suspicious characters comes forward. Later, Mary makes dinner for Danny.

#7 - This Old Spouse
NYPD Blue - Season 7 - Episode 20
A man comes into the squad reporting that his wife's houseguest might be responsible for a series of gas station robberies where the perp cuts the attendants, even after they give him the money. A gas station attendant positively IDs the houseguest and the man's wife as being guilty of the robbery; Sorenson and Sipowicz only have to bring them in for a little questioning and put them away. Russell spots Denby across the street and she believes he is talking with Don Kirkendall. She takes Sipowicz into her confidence, while she waits to see if Denby reaches out to her. An elderly man believes he may be being duped and Russell and Kirkendall investigate. They believe the man is being duped by a band of gypsies that they plan on catching using video surveillance, which they later do with help from Medavoy's "anchor takedown". Meanwhile, Denby reaches out and Russell asks Jones to do her a solid, by following Denby, to see if he meets a man who resembles a photo she's given to Jones. A pho

#8 - Stratis Fear
NYPD Blue - Season 12 - Episode 14
The owner of a diner, Gene Stratis, has been stabbed to death and Sipowicz and Clark interview the victim's son. The son gives them his father's background, a real immigrant's success story, but he tells them nothing that would indicate his father should be the victim of murder. Ortiz's aunt comes to the squad to talk to her about her cousin, Paula. Ortiz's cousin has started hanging out with someone that her aunt isn't comfortable with and it is causing her daughter's behavior to change. Ortiz promises her aunt that she will stop by where her cousin works and check in on her and her new boyfriend, the owner of the business where she works. Sipowicz and Clark are going to run down a former employee of the diner who was let go last month. Jones and Medavoy are on the scene of a murder of public relations man, Paul Westerville at a parking garage. While looking into the victim's affects, Jones finds a picture of Brendan Quinn, a recently paralyzed cop that he went to the academy wi

#9 - Maybe Baby
NYPD Blue - Season 10 - Episode 20
Sipowicz meets Clark at the scene of a homicide and tells him that his meeting with Frank Colohan gave him no useful information that would help in his and McDowell's defense against Colohan's parents for custody of Michelle. At the scene of the crime they are beginning to investigate, the victim was reported to have stumbled his way to the front of the bodega and died, presumably as a result of what appears to be an injury to his eye. Back at the squad, Jones arrives late after canvassing Jerry Well's building again. Rodriguez tells him that he needs to be a little more subtle in his investigation into Haywood's beating. It seems Wells has been complaining of harassment. The bank card of Sipowicz and Clark's victim is being use at an OTB near their crime scene. They are going to go back out, but first Sipowicz hears what the other detectives have found on Frank Colohan's parents. Medavoy gets a line from the DEA that Frank Colohan's mother once was busted for smuggling a type of

#10 - You're Under a Rasta
NYPD Blue - Season 5 - Episode 11
Diane tells Bobby that she is pregnant. The detectives are called to the scene where two women are murdered. Everyone seems to point to the drug-dealing husband. They go to raid the house where some dealers are held up and Diane gets involved in a shooting situation that makes Bobby angry. Meanwhile, Greg and James look into the murder of a prostitute, despite James' complaints about a back problem that will later get him taken out of the squad on a stretcher. Naomi tells Bobby about her problems with her landlord turning her into INS.
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#11 - Little Abner
NYPD Blue - Season 7 - Episode 11
Fancy meets Abner, who wants to say his goodbyes and wants that same message conveyed to Jones. Sipowicz and Sorenson (with Medavoy and Jones) investigate the murder of a nightclub owner's partner. The nightclub owner, Dave Lorenz and one of the bartenders believes that his partner may have been the victim of a hit ordered from inside prison, since the partner was known to be sticking it to a mob informant's former girlfriend. Russell and Kirkendall work with a woman (Shanice) who claims that her boyfriend raped her. Fancy believes there might be something more to Abner's message, so he passes the message along to Jones and asks that Jones give Abner a call in return. When Abner doesn't answer any phone calls, Fancy takes some lost time to go to Abner's apartment and finds Abner dead in his bathtub from a gunshot to the head. Shanice's boyfriend is brought in, but will not talk with female detectives, he requests a brother detective. So Jones conducts an interview and the boyfriend pre