The BEST episodes directed by Bill Clark

Safe Home
110 votes

#1 - Safe Home

NYPD Blue - Season 6 - Episode 22

As a result of her injuries, Sylvia has died. The squad worries about Andy's state, will he start drinking again. Andy is staying in his apartment, only making sure that Theo makes it to and from school. He is only accepting a minimal amount of help from his ex-wife Katie. Medavoy and Martinez interview a man who claims that he was hired to murder Kenny Priest at the Cullinan trial. He points to his sister, Lurleen as the one who set him up with the job; she also had something to do with Cullinan's murder of Mike Roberts. Sorenson goes to seek Sipowicz's help, when they get Cullinan to drop his high priced attorney. John Irvin is hard on himself and feels that he can never face Andy again. Danny gets Andy to help with the interview of Cullinan and the very subdued interview gets Cullinan to crack. John Irvin and Andy silently pass each other on the stairwell. A few moments later, Andy reappears and assures John he doesn't hold him responsible for Sylvia's death. Andy debates about how

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Brother's Keeper
114 votes

#2 - Brother's Keeper

NYPD Blue - Season 6 - Episode 4

The word goes out to the uniforms to look out for any possible donors for a heart for Simone. Sipowicz, Medavoy and Martinez investigate the homicide of an elderly woman whose hands and feet were cut off of her body. Bobby is transferred over to the surgical staff, where his new doctor recommends that waiting for the heart transplant is his best option. The woman's two sons are probable suspects, one son, Arnold Struel, shows no remorse over her death, the other, Stanley an alcoholic junkie, who didn't like her, at least shows some compassion. Sipowicz finally gets Arnold to give it up. Later, when he returns to the interview room, he sees that Arnold is hanging himself. He debates about waiting until he is dead, to provide a donor for Bobby, but circumstances (Medavoy) prevent him from waiting. By chance, an off-duty cop is shot in the head and for all practical purposes is dead; Fancy makes a pleas with the widow, for a directed donation. Eventually she consents and Bobby is prepped

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22 Skidoo
74 votes

#3 - 22 Skidoo

NYPD Blue - Season 10 - Episode 22

It's the morning after for John and Jennifer and they'll both be late for work if John doesn't put the honey bottle away. The detectives respond to the scene of a homicide in grocery, where no money was taken. Ortiz spots Clark getting out of Dr. Devlin's car and is short with him when he says hello. Back at the squad, canvas hasn't turned up anything, but crime scene did get a fingerprint from a similar crime that occurred the night before. That fingerprint belongs to Terry Parkhurst. Medavoy tells the others that he is anticipating receipt of the list that might announce his promotion to detective 2nd grade. McDowell makes plans for a small wedding ceremony that might be able to take place later that evening. Rodriguez calls Sipowicz into his office and tells him that the commissioner will not allow two detectives in the same squad to be married. Sipowicz asks Rodriguez if it will be a problem with him if they go ahead and get married anyway. He tells them it won't, as long a

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Torah! Torah! Torah!
125 votes

#4 - Torah! Torah! Torah!

NYPD Blue - Season 3 - Episode 2

A father suspects his retarded son of killing his daughter. Simone and Sipowicz get the case. Lesniak keeps reporting on James' condition. Morrisey's tactics with a suspect in a murder don't sit well with Fancy; however, the facts in this case match Andy & Bobby's case. While Simone and Morrisey work out the details of their combined case, Andy and Greg pose as Hasidic Jews to recover a stolen Torah. Sylvia takes another test (results positive) and asks Andy to be discrete. Later she discovers his level of discretion.

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Lost Israel (1)
79 votes

#5 - Lost Israel (1)

NYPD Blue - Season 5 - Episode 8

A young boy is reported missing by his parents. Simone and Sipowicz agree to look for the young boy, when the father tells them it may have been his fault for letting him talk to a homeless man. Instincts tell Andy that the father is guilty. They locate the homeless man, named Israel; however, communication is difficult because he is a mute. Unfortunately, the boy's body is found and the detectives now must determine if Israel is responsible or perhaps the boy's father. Andy may have tipped his hand to the boy's father that he likes him for the murder. So for a while Andy bows out of the case and Diane steps in. Meanwhile, a Hasidic Jewish girl is murdered and the other detectives have to juggle the need for their investigation against the needs of her faith for a quick burial. Israel is brought in for further "questioning" to let father think suspicion has been removed from him. The father watches the interrogation of Israel with interest. The father has set-up all the evidence to poi

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Honeymoon at Viagra Falls
81 votes

#6 - Honeymoon at Viagra Falls

NYPD Blue - Season 5 - Episode 22

Simone and Sipowicz work with Cohen to investigate the death of one of Cohen's witnesses and her son. Evidence points to the opposing attorney having some involvement with the arrangement of the homicide. Bobby and Diane plan to get married on their lunch break. Russell and Kirkendall help a man locate his missing daughter. Medavoy and Martinez look into a corporation dealing in fake sports memorabilia. Medavoy is taken with the blonde who was named as the front of the corporation, she reminds him of Donna. Andy's doctor stops by with the results of his latest blood test, the results are good. When the doctor inquires about Andy's sexual functions, Andy is less than forthcoming and the doctor's prescribes him the new wonder drug, Viagra. Just as the time for the lunchtime wedding grows near, both Bobby and Diane's cases break wide open. Bobby & Diane just make into the office, find a witness and get married. Greg calls upon the blonde. Andy gets his prescription filled and is able to t

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Speak For Yourself, Bruce Clayton
80 votes

#7 - Speak For Yourself, Bruce Clayton

NYPD Blue - Season 5 - Episode 17

Simone and Sipowicz look into the shooting of two women (one was killed) who were raped by a group of men in an apartment owned by a former crack dealer named Jamal who was crippled in a previous shooting incident. Caught by his doctor at the hospital, Andy tells Bobby about his prostate trouble. Meanwhile, Kirkendall, Russell and Medavoy investigate a shooting at a clinic. When they get their female suspect into custody, a security guard from the clinic who was her secret admirer comes to the precinct demanding she get a second chance. Medavoy takes him down.

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Weaver of Hate
109 votes

#8 - Weaver of Hate

NYPD Blue - Season 5 - Episode 14

A drugs for guns deal gone bad, results in the death of a white youth in a black neighborhood. Diane begins feeling ill and takes some lost time. The father of the victim comes to the squad and blows up screaming racial slurs when he finds out where his boy was killed. Simone and Sipowicz try to conduct their investigation in the midst of the racial turmoil that has been created in the squad room, between Fancy and the father. Medavoy and Kirkendall investigate the strangulation and dismemberment of the mother of young boy, who's discovered his mother's body in the refrigerator. Bobby worried about Diane finds her at the apartment only to find out that she has lost the baby.

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Girl Talk
83 votes

#9 - Girl Talk

NYPD Blue - Season 3 - Episode 16

A rapist-murderer is throwing small children from the tops of buildings and a cop from another precinct joins Simone and Sipowicz with their investigation. The only thing Andy knows about this cop is "she got her 1st grade money, the year I got screwed out of mine." Martinez and Russell investigate an alleged case of date rape, but the women of the squad and Sylvia, have major disagreement with James' decisions regarding the suspect. Andy shows his son some of the ropes of being a cop.

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Off the Wall
73 votes

#10 - Off the Wall

NYPD Blue - Season 10 - Episode 17

The detectives are on the scene of a homicide, when Clark arrives. He was going stir crazy taking time off following his father's death. Ortiz comments to McDowell that she hadn't spoken or heard from him for the past three days. The detectives get a line on a possible suspect, named Todd Grady. Jones and Medavoy go to suspect's apartment to attempt to speak with him. When no one answers they decide to check with the neighbors. Suddenly someone they assume is their possible suspect rounds the corner and doubles back when he realizes they are there to talk with him. He then comes back around the corner with a gun drawn. Jones and Medavoy fire their weapons and after waiting a moment proceed to go around the corner. There they find a boy has been shot by a bullet that went through the wall, from one of their guns. Sipowicz and Clark arrive on the scene as an ambulance is being called. The detectives and Rodriguez are at the hospital, when they find that the 13-year-old boy doe

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A Tushful of Dollars
89 votes

#11 - A Tushful of Dollars

NYPD Blue - Season 3 - Episode 13

Diane worries about her mother's pending grand jury trial. Andy and Bobby search for the killer of a mobster's son, which reveals a family affair. The lawyer of a suspect in a murder impedes Greg and Diane's investigation. The erratic son of the victim doesn't help much either and he has a thing for Diane. James and Adrianne get another shooting case that involves Andy and Bobby's suspect. The bullets are flying in NYC during sweeps' month.

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Raging Bulls
110 votes

#12 - Raging Bulls

NYPD Blue - Season 6 - Episode 8

The cop that stopped Fancy for a broken taillight a couple of years ago is involved in the shooting of a black undercover officer. Tensions rise between Sipowicz and Fancy when the black and white issue comes up and later Fancy interviews Szymanski. Sipowicz and Sorenson's evidence from their interviews, points to the fact that Szymanski's story is good. Sipowicz tells Fancy that he can't jam up Szymanski for this. The tension in the squad rises so high, that Fancy and Sipowicz come to blows with each other. Shannon stops Russell and Kirkendall to tell them that Dolores was caught shoplifting. They reach out to help her and then try talking with her; however, Dolores only seems interested in knowing whether she still has a job. Sylvia returns home, disheartened by the Suarez story; Andy offers to help her get him justice.

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Voir Dire This
141 votes

#13 - Voir Dire This

NYPD Blue - Season 6 - Episode 21

Andy prepares for his confrontation with Sinclair. John Irvin meets with Jimmy Mayo, but Mayo seems focused elsewhere. Officer Shannon brings a 13-year-old boy to the attention of Sorenson; Shannon (and later Sorenson) feels the boy is upset about something that he won't talk about. When he does tell his story, what he reveals disturbs Sorenson. Sorenson is so worked up; Fancy calls Medavoy and Martinez in early to accompany him in his questioning of the suspected pervert. The pervert freely confesses to his crime, and the detectives try to locate a relative for the boy, to keep him out of the system. At an awkward moment, Danny kisses Diane on the lips. Meanwhile, the hearing has begun, Kirkendall testifies, evidence is admitted (subject to connection) and Jimmy Mayo arrives in court just in time for a recess. Next on the stand is Kenny, the drug courier. During another recess, Sylvia gives Andy some words of encouragement. Then he takes the stand and Andy holds his own, with just a l

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Numb & Number
112 votes

#14 - Numb & Number

NYPD Blue - Season 6 - Episode 3

Bobby isn't doing much better the following morning; the doctor recommends they do the test he recommended, earlier than planned. When Andy hears about these tests it puts him on edge and makes him more difficult to work with than usual. While Jill waits with Diane, the other detectives investigate the death of a man who was murdered in the park. The tests reveal that Bobby's heart is damaged; the only long-term option is a heart transplant. Meanwhile, back on the case, the detectives interview a suspect who initially gives them misleading information because she is trying to protect herself from the actual perpetrator, a man with ties to the mob.

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Hammer Time
83 votes

#15 - Hammer Time

NYPD Blue - Season 5 - Episode 20

Sipowicz returns to active duty, but perhaps a bit too soon as his system hasn't quite adjusted and he has an accident when later interrogating a suspect. He begins to work a case with Russell and Simone, investigating the murder of a woman's boyfriend by her ex-husband. Before the investigation gets going, Simone is called upon by Det. Savino to help investigate a missing persons report that is being filed by the nephew of one his building's tenants. The missing woman had run-ins in the past with Simone's partner and building manager, Henry Coffield, so he is suspected and the other tenants support that theory. Interrogation of the ex-husband reveals that he was searching for his daughter who's missing. Despite an agreement keeping her immune from prosecution, the detectives' work to find another means to prove the crack addict mother and her dead boyfriend were responsible for the girl's disappearance. Meanwhile, former PAA Naomi Reynolds stops by hoping to see Bobby and tell him tha

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Thick Stu
83 votes

#16 - Thick Stu

NYPD Blue - Season 4 - Episode 2

Greg and Andy start the weight bet. Bobby and Andy help out Morrisey on his investigation in the case of a missing baby; he suspects the father. James campaigns to become the elected delegate for the squad. Bobby strikes a deal with Henry, son of the woman whose building he inherited. Greg starts working out. The baby is found. Bobby and Diane make a decision about the current direction of their relationship. Later, a girl that Bobby talked with outside his building is killed in manner described the previous by Henry.

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Dead Man Talking
84 votes

#17 - Dead Man Talking

NYPD Blue - Season 5 - Episode 6

A family's home is broken into it, the wife and baby are shot in the head and the father only has a belly wound. Simone and Sipowicz like the father for the crime, theorizing he may have done it for insurance money. Retired detective Vince Gotelli is the insurance investigator. An old friend of Arthur's shows up at the precinct. He is dying and has a story about a 15-year-old murder. Russell, Martinez and Medavoy investigate the murder of a record company executive who wasn't very popular.

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Cop in a Bottle
115 votes

#18 - Cop in a Bottle

NYPD Blue - Season 6 - Episode 2

The detectives arrive on the scene of a shooting, where the shooter is Det. Walsh, from the 27, who was having a late night out with a few drinks and hooker. Simone arrives on the scene, but his difficulty breathing causes his so much discomfort, he is taken to the hospital. It appears as though Bobby has some heart trouble, its enlarged, cause unknown. Later, back at the squad room, Sipowicz begins questioning alcoholic Det. Walsh. Walsh's lieutenant arrives, ready to crucify him, Fancy steps in and ask him wait until their investigation is over. The investigation concludes and the detective's actions are vindicated, although Andy offers him some advice about his drinking. Bobby's condition may be caused by an infection; however, more tests are needed to know for sure.

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Bombs Away
96 votes

#19 - Bombs Away

NYPD Blue - Season 2 - Episode 15

Bobby and Andy collide with a Rumanian immigrant who has a woman locked in the trunk of his car, later investigation shows him to be a terrorist. While transporting the serial killer out of the station house, the Webster serial killer is shot and his last victim's father is on the premises. Bobby begins to investigate the father and another member of a victim's support group. Greg tries to talk with Dana about his relationship with Donna, but she takes advantage of the situation. James asks Adrianne out for dinner; however, she rejects him because she does not want to be involved in relationship with someone she works with, given her previous history.

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Twin Petes
137 votes

#20 - Twin Petes

NYPD Blue - Season 5 - Episode 13

Bobby, Diane (and later Andy) investigate two stickup murders held at ATMs. When they get a line on a possible suspect, they use Jill to appeal to his mother to help them reach out to him. Meanwhile, Greg attempts to sort out a case where he can't determine if there really is a twin, when a man comes in to report that his twin brother has threatened violence against his former girlfriend. All along, Andy contends with a medical problem involving his prostate and he is less than forthcoming with what the doctor has told him about his condition. Sylvia tells Andy that she is ready to get back to work.

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Upstairs, Downstairs
91 votes

#21 - Upstairs, Downstairs

NYPD Blue - Season 4 - Episode 12

Andy and Diane start to talk, however, they both get paged for the job. Andy and Bobby begin to investigate a murder, but the procedures they must follow (because a cop might have been involved) make them unpopular at the precinct. Greg and Jill investigate the murder of a young girl where the only clue is videotape that starred her crushing worms. As Andy and Bobby's investigation reveals more clues, tension mounts between the squad and the uniforms. Diane goes missing and turns up at Bobby's apartment where she suffers a breakdown. One of the items she recall's is that her father molested her as a child.

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The Man with Two Right Shoes
82 votes

#22 - The Man with Two Right Shoes

NYPD Blue - Season 7 - Episode 3

Danny and Mary spend the night together. Andy seeks advice from Katie about some trouble he is having with Theo. She tries to give him some advice, but he misses her point. Sipowicz, Sorenson and Medavoy look into the murder of a man who assailant fled the scene wearing two right shoes. There is also a question of theft at the crime scene, when it is discovered that the jewelry the victim was wearing disappears just after the fire department has left the crime scene. Meanwhile, Russell, Kirkendall and Martinez investigate a mother's concerns that her son has become a thief. In reality he is receiving gifts from a teacher who claims she is looking out for his interests, or rather is it just her interest in him?

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I'll Draw You a Mapp
107 votes

#23 - I'll Draw You a Mapp

NYPD Blue - Season 6 - Episode 20

Sylvia decides that Danny would be a much better witness than Andy would in the pending trial of Cullinan. Sipowicz seems to still have unresolved issues with Sinclair that would jeopardize the case. She works with Sorenson and Kenny, the drug courier, to ready them for the trial. John Irvin tells Sipowicz that he is still in contact with Dolores' father, although he says he is not providing him with any more information pertaining to the case. Meanwhile, the other detectives investigate the death of a woman's husband. They believe she may have done it for the insurance money and her son gives them evidence that coaberating evidence. Although the woman and another person they interview during their investigation keep reminding them about the Diallo case, something they'd all rather not be reminded about. Sinclair promises Sipowicz that he will get him on the stand, even if the DA won't let him. Sipowicz tells Sorenson that he will be taking the stand. Sylvia disagrees with him, but whe

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Mister Roberts
113 votes

#24 - Mister Roberts

NYPD Blue - Season 6 - Episode 18

Mike Roberts is dead. His body was found on top of a car after being thrown out of the window of his office building. John Irvin approaches Sipowicz and tells him what Roberts warned him about. So the detectives begin to see if they can build a case around Cullinan, the rich man that John punched out. Medavoy looks into a book that Roberts was writing for clues. Kirkendall volunteers to become the bait for the trap they lay for and catch Cullinan in. Cohen isn't delighted with her performing this task, which she feels is just a part of her job. She tells Russell that she isn't going take the crap from him, so they are through. As the squad waits for the lawyers to work out the details of the Cullinan bust, Medavoy reads more of the notes of Mike Roberts, featuring Donna Abandando.

Top Gum
117 votes

#25 - Top Gum

NYPD Blue - Season 6 - Episode 1

Bobby dreams and later he visits his dentist. Besides the checkup, the dentist asks him to check on his daughter, whose boyfriend deals and uses drugs. However, Simone also seems to be showing signs of a health problem that he thinks is a chest cold, as he joins the other detectives at a crime scene, where they are beginning to investigate a stabbing death. The victim's father, who shows up at the scene with Mike Roberts as a bodyguard, asks the detectives to "make it right." Russell and Kirkendall get redirected to check into a possible rape case, but it turns out to be a false alarm. Sipowicz's opinion of Roberts hasn't changed and reluctantly takes the lead that he offers for the case. John Irvin returns upstairs in a temp job, the computer graphics business just didn't work for him. Russell and Kirkendall's false alarm turns up at the squad. She eventually points to her mother's boyfriend as being the rapist. The suspect in their case cuts Simone while they are grabbing him up. It'

A Hole in Juan
112 votes

#26 - A Hole in Juan

NYPD Blue - Season 7 - Episode 2

Kyle Kirkendall receives his first communion and just outside the church, Sipowicz and Sorenson spot a surveillance van. At the squad Danny talks with Mary Franco who is about to see the captain about her possibly being transferred to the anti-crime unit. Sipowicz is informed that the surveillance team is watching Don Kirkendall who's been delivering packages from Peru. He tells Diane who feels compelled to tell Jill, who isn't receptive to the information and feels that Diane has that "I told you so" air about her. Sipowicz and Sorenson help a probation officer get one of his clients to give himself some protection against some his former running buddies who've harassed him. It looks bad for him when later that morning one of his old buddies is found dead and he is convinced that he is going to be convicted of the crime. A woman at the scene of the crime later comes to the squad in a search of a reward for her information. Meanwhile, Russell and Kirkendall reluctantly work together to

A Remington Original
91 votes

#27 - A Remington Original

NYPD Blue - Season 4 - Episode 14

Simone and Sipowicz investigate the murder of a woman whose body was found naked in the trunk of a car in a junkyard. Gina returns to work. A man's body is found with a severe blow to his head. James and Greg eventually discover that the murder weapon was a typewriter. But how and who delivered the blow? Bobby hires Henry to take care of a painting job in the tenement building; Henry comes in complaining about the difficult tenant. Diane is working through her issues with her family and a counselor. Bobby and Henry talk with the difficult tenant.

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Loogie Nights
118 votes

#28 - Loogie Nights

NYPD Blue - Season 7 - Episode 1

The 15th precinct "reopens for business" a little later than anticipated this season, but Sipowicz took advantage of the extra time to grieve Sylvia, raise Theo and lose some weight. Yes, Andy has shed a few pounds. Sipowicz and Sorenson begin an investigation into the death of man who was beaten to death by a pair of cops. One of the cops, Sorenson had helped out in last season's case involving the shooting of a black police officer. Medavoy gets a dirty uniform working a parade detail. Jill seeks Diane's opinion about restarting a relationship (for the sixth time) with her ex-husband Don, who's been real helpful lately, as their son Kyle gets ready for his first communion. Sipowicz, Sorenson and Franco with some reluctant help from Laughlin uncover the truth about the beating. Which officer performed the beating death, will be left for the jury to decide. Sipowicz goes home to Theo and later that night at the bar, Sorenson wants to discuss the outcome of their investigation with Laug

Everybody Plays the Mule
115 votes

#29 - Everybody Plays the Mule

NYPD Blue - Season 7 - Episode 8

Danny wakes up after having a dream about his sisters being in a fire with his mother who doesn't do anything to help save his sisters. He becomes angry with Mary. Kirkendall and Russell investigate the death of a woman who was thrown out of a van under the wheels of a bus. The contents of her body were removed before she was pushed under the bus, because one of the hazards of her occupation as a drug mule killed her. Her boyfriend's complaints of the stomach flu make it seem as though he might know more than what he is letting on. Eventually the contents of his digestive system and his story make themselves present. Meanwhile, Jones catches his first case. He and the other detectives investigate the disappearance of a Russian couple's two children. The husband is convinced that the boys are with his sister; however, his wife doesn't share that conviction. The husband also hears voices in his head, which eventually say enough that the detectives figure out that he knows where the boys

Goodbye Charlie
108 votes

#30 - Goodbye Charlie

NYPD Blue - Season 7 - Episode 16

Andy tells Katie that he doesn't know how to handle Danny, who told him that last night he was planning to get a load on. Katie tells Andy about how Danny reminds her of Andy Jr. and they both discuss the fact that they have seen visions of Andy Jr. Danny wakes up in Diane's apartment after his night of drinking. An old friend of Medavoy's, Charlie Sung stops by hoping that Medavoy can help him out with a problem; but Medavoy can't help him without more to go on. A young interracial couple comes in to report that they've found his parents murdered. Sipowicz looks toward their son as their most likely suspect. Jones interviews the suspect's girlfriend and makes a connection with her that they might be able to exploit against her boyfriend. Sipowicz is still distracted with his concerns about Sorenson's recent behavior and lets it get in the way, until they finally discuss it. That aside, Jones brings the girl over to their side and Sipowicz brings the suspect down. When Sung brings him

What's Up, Chuck?
112 votes

#31 - What's Up, Chuck?

NYPD Blue - Season 6 - Episode 12

The detectives are called to scene of a homicide of man whose body was dumped, Medavoy and Martinez take the case as Russell and Kirkendall stop to offer advice to a family whose daughter may have gone missing and Sipowicz and Sorenson are held up in traffic. John Irvin reports to Sorenson and Sipowicz that he fears Dolores is in trouble, because she's turned to hooking. He knows that she was last seen with a well to do man named Malcolm Cullinan. His attempt to help her out only gets him into trouble, starting with a visit from James Sinclair, the high profile criminal defense attorney who is representing his wealthy client and one of Sipowicz's favorite people. The family Russell and Kirkendall stopped to help, bring a suspect to the station, a man with head problems confesses to dreaming about killing the girl. A man is beaten by the brothers of the victim in Medavoy and Martinez's homicide, but this man's story leads back to the one of the brothers. Sinclair shows up set to negotia

What a Dump!
89 votes

#32 - What a Dump!

NYPD Blue - Season 4 - Episode 16

Andy and Bobby investigate the murder of a woman whose body was found dumped in an alley. They interview a strange suspect but other information tells them the woman was a mail order bride who was looking to divorce her husband. That makes him the prime suspect. Greg and James look into the drive by shooting at a bus. One of the passengers mouths of at Abby and that gets Greg's ire up. Throughout the rest of the day, Greg gets tough. He is nervous about his dinner with Abby later the evening. Andy works his part-time job for the US Marshall by doing "dump detail" at the airport.

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The Naked are the Dead
112 votes

#33 - The Naked are the Dead

NYPD Blue - Season 7 - Episode 4

Sipowicz, Sorenson, Russell and Kirkendall begin investigating a homicide where the bodies of seven naked men are found. Medavoy and Martinez investigate a victim whose body might have been dumped near a sweatshop, but Greg is more interested in the female paramedic on the scene. Sipowicz and Sorenson get assistance from a department profiler that Sipowicz doesn't like and Morrison from the Organized Crime Bureau. After returning from a canvas, Jill gets a message that her ex-husband Don has been arrested. She goes to see him and he plans to use her giving the heads up to help save his ass. Never mind that that her losing her job will affect the kids. When she returns, Fancy finds out about her indiscretion and works to save her job. Meanwhile, Sipowicz and Sorenson work with Morrison to sit on a suspect that Morrison likes for the crime, which doesn't pan out, but a cab driver who picked up some suspicious characters comes forward. Later, Mary makes dinner for Danny.

Brothers Under Arms
112 votes

#34 - Brothers Under Arms

NYPD Blue - Season 7 - Episode 6

Martinez arrives at the squad for his last day. Diane tells Jill the results of her conversation with Denby. Sorenson and Sipowicz look into a murder, where the gun used was involved in a shooting 2 years earlier. With help from the gun owner's mother, they get the gun and the name of the party who last had the gun. That party points to the gun owner's brother as the one who really wanted the gun to accompany him on a visit to his girlfriend's ex-boyfriend. Denby tells Russell that Don Kirkendall escaped from his supervision last night (after his night of drinking with Russell) and if Don contacts Jill, Russell should let him know, so he can save his own ass. Jill gives into Don's continual calls and asks Diane for the use of her apartment, knowing that her own apartment is probably under surveillance by Denby. Jill gives Don some money and tells him to leave, but before he goes he swipes Bobby's wedding ring from the mantel. The squad gathers to celebrate the promotion of James Martin

Welcome to New York
114 votes

#35 - Welcome to New York

NYPD Blue - Season 7 - Episode 12

Sorenson, Sipowicz and Medavoy with help from John Irvin, investigate the disappearance of a gay man (with evidence of foul play), whose nephew indicates that his uncle's former lover might be their man. The lover is brought in for questioning, but their questioning reveals that the lover's new roommate might be someone worth questioning as he's referred to the victim as "Satan incarnate." Meanwhile, Russell, Kirkendall and Jones help the meek victim of a gang rape. The victim at least had the presence of mind to keep track of where the gang took her to be raped, despite the fact they wouldn't let her see where they were taking her. Retracing her steps leads the detectives to the apartment where the raped occurred and to "the fifth man in," which will eventually lead them to the other four.

Hearts and Souls
145 votes

#36 - Hearts and Souls

NYPD Blue - Season 6 - Episode 5

It is ten days after Bobbie's surgery and the detectives wait with anticipation as Bobby is set to be released from the hospital. A minor complication arises with a possible infection. Andy's ex-wife shows up at the squad, she's getting ready to defend herself against a DWI. She slips out while Andy is trying to reach out to help her. Bobby takes a turn for the worse and the entire squad is put on edge. Diane insists on seeing Dr. Carreras. He lays the hard news on Diane; it would be better overall for Bobby is he was kept from suffering any further. Dr. Carreras and Dr. Swan have differing opinions on the prognosis for Bobby's future. Carreras feels that Swan wants Bobby's inevitable condition to be on another department's record. Andy gets Katie to agree to begin attending meetings, as a way meet the terms of her. Diane calls the squad to advise them that after the shift is over, it might be a good idea to stop by the hospital to see Bobby. Bobby receives last rites. Au revoir Robert

Closing Time
61 votes

#37 - Closing Time

NYPD Blue - Season 3 - Episode 21

Sylvia confronts Andy about his "late night walks." The new administrative assistant arrives to take Donna's place. Andy's return to drinking affects him at home and on the job, where Fancy sends him home. Bobby fulfills Andy's vendetta. A drunk Andy tackles some street punks, who get the better of him and his gun. Bobby and Officer Shannon work to locate the punks; Fancy gets the gun back; the rest is up to Andy.

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Along Came Jones
117 votes

#38 - Along Came Jones

NYPD Blue - Season 7 - Episode 7

An off-duty cop is found dead. Diane has yet to tell Jill about Don's fate. Det. Baldwin Jones (formerly of the Bias unit and who prefers to be called "D") reports to his new assignment at the 15 Squad. Sorenson's street contact "J.B." tries to bring them information for their case but Danny isn't buying. The dead cop's partner comes in for questioning and Sipowicz's style gets her to reveal that she had a relationship with her partner, which doesn't lead to anything. All the while the new guy and the other detectives canvas the neighborhood and find someone who can point out a probable suspect for the shooting. Fancy tries to find out why Jones was transferred into his unit, without any notice and it turns out it was just someone wanting to remind him about the fact that Fancy still lets Sipowicz do his job. Russell talks with Sipowicz about what she should do with the information that she knows and he suggests that she should tell; otherwise it would destroy their partnership. Meanwh

Lost Israel (2)
32 votes

#39 - Lost Israel (2)

NYPD Blue - Season 5 - Episode 9

Andy begins to make sense of the Bible passage that Israel pointed out to him; only to discover that Israel has hung himself. The detectives aren't sure how to proceed with the parents now that Israel is dead; Fancy is out of the office because his daughter Jennifer has had an appendicitis. The detectives decide to let the parents know about Israel's death, but lead the parents to believe they have a witness that saw the father plant the shirt in Israel's "home." Diane begins to reach the mother. Bobby senses the father is jealous of all the attention. The detectives decide to lie low and wait for the father to make a move. It doesn't take long and the father contacts Bobby, who tries to connect with him like Diane is doing with the mother. Emotions run high until a confession is finally delivered. Meanwhile, the other detectives find a doctor who is helping out the homeless by getting them a job with insurance benefits that he helps them collect.

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Remembrance of Humps Past
112 votes

#40 - Remembrance of Humps Past

NYPD Blue - Season 5 - Episode 10

Bobby isn't quite sure, but he thinks he overheard Naomi speaking with an Australian accent. An old friend from his school days stops by to ask Andy to talk to his daughter about the company she is keeping. The daughter is living with a woman who's looking to eventually change her sex, but that isn't the issue, it's her boyfriend is an unstable element. So unstable, that despite Andy's visit the next morning the daughter's roommate is murdered. Another of Andy's old schoolmates might be the key to unraveling the mystery. Also for some unexplained reason, Sipowicz seems unusually agitated with Fancy. Meanwhile, Greg and James look into where a man is getting a lot of teeth that contain gold fillings and uncover a small grave robbing operation. Later, Naomi confesses to Bobby about her Australian origins and her desire to become a police woman.

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Cold Heaters
100 votes

#41 - Cold Heaters

NYPD Blue - Season 3 - Episode 8

Simone and IAB share the suspect after Bobby gets some information from his incarcerated friend, Ray, about a case that Mike Roberts once worked. Fancy and Sipowicz both work the case of a self-confessed gunman in a neighborhood shooting, once they get the story they help the shooter out. Medavoy investigates the assault case of an actor who was injured in staged fight that went awry.

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Heavin' Can Wait
94 votes

#42 - Heavin' Can Wait

NYPD Blue - Season 3 - Episode 4

Lesniak's preference gets around the precinct. Sylvia's morning sickness, Russell falling off the wagon & calling Bobby, not him, and the senseless murder of two kids makes it a really bad day for Andy. Bobby and Andy clash throughout their investigation.

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Burnin' Love
124 votes

#43 - Burnin' Love

NYPD Blue - Season 3 - Episode 11

Simone and Sipowicz look into the death of a young woman whose body is found burned well beyond recognition, except for a tattoo on her back. Gotelli puts his two cents in, much to Andy's delight. One of the victim's temporary roommates becomes the prime suspect. Medavoy pulls double duty (things still aren't good at home) and is assigned to watch an informant who has a penchant for playing poker with his friends. Unfortunately he might be put in a compromising position, when another "player" joins the game.

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Seminal Thinking
80 votes

#44 - Seminal Thinking

NYPD Blue - Season 5 - Episode 21

Bobby and Diane talk about making a long-term commitment to each other. At a murder scene a couple of bodies are found and Medavoy is disgusted by the amount of semen found on one of the corpses. One body belongs to a car salesman and the other to a prostitute. Simone and Sipowicz look into the car salesman's death. The other detectives look into the prostitute's death. While Andy seems to be fully recovered from his surgery, the results of a recent blood test are not entirely favorable and he is nervous about telling Sylvia. The MO of the suspected perp in the prostitute's murder is to buy used condoms from a prostitute and then mix the spent semen with his own to cover his crime. However, Medavoy gets tough and is clever with the perp during the interview. Meanwhile, the uniforms bring a man into Simone and Sipowicz. They can tie the man to their victim, but are convinced that the man's honest account of the event leading to the shooting is true. Realizing that the man wasn't capable

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Sorry, Wong Suspect
88 votes

#45 - Sorry, Wong Suspect

NYPD Blue - Season 3 - Episode 9

Greg and Marie split up again and she comes down to the station and sees Donna for the first time. Andy is also in the doghouse with Sylvia when he chooses not to accompany her for one of her tests that involves a large needle. Simone and Sipowicz probe the death of a Chinese girl whose leg has a strange marking on it. Martinez and Lesniak look into a robbery case where a woman in a wheelchair lets a man in who claims to be a policeman. Working together on this case gives James an opportunity to find out where Adrianne really stands in her sexuality.

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Three Girls and a Baby
86 votes

#46 - Three Girls and a Baby

NYPD Blue - Season 5 - Episode 3

Greg receives a disturbing call, Abby's been shot and Kathy is dead. The investigation puts a strain on Greg's relationship with Abby as he must ask the hard questions about what happened. Eventually Abby points to an obsessive bitter ex-lover as the mastermind behind the break-in. On the other pregnancy front, Gina develops complications that will take her off the job for a few weeks. A young woman's charred body, complete with a bullet wound, is found in an abandoned vehicle; Bobby, Diane and Andy investigate. They miss a chance at getting their prime suspect when the night watch falls asleep while on their stakeout of the suspect's home. When he is apprehended, the suspect claims it was an "accident."

Prostrate Before the Law
83 votes

#47 - Prostrate Before the Law

NYPD Blue - Season 5 - Episode 19

Andy prepares for his prostate surgery. James has recovered from his back problems and returns to duty; 3 weeks earlier it is reporteds that Gina has given birth to James Jr. Greg is also celebrating Abby's birth and is more than eager to show the videotaped highlights of the birth to anyone who'll watch. As Andy goes under the knife the rest of the squad get involved with a case of reuniting Army buddies, where one of the buddies is found dead. The four survivors try to keep their story straight as the detectives' try to figure out their involvement. The army buddies are revealed to be a group that was planning a big event for the year 2000 that involved an act of terrorism. Andy's surgery goes well.

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Who Murders Sleep
115 votes

#48 - Who Murders Sleep

NYPD Blue - Season 7 - Episode 10

Danny has another bad dream about his sisters and Mary witnesses his plea for relief. He goes out for an early morning walk, but loses track of time. Sipowicz is called to the scene where an 8-year-old girl's skeletal remains are found. A dog's nose contains a bullet that might be the key to Medavoy's case; only the dog's owner won't authorize the surgery that would remove the bullet. Sorenson arrives to work late but Sipowicz covers for him. They go to the house of retired detective that handled the missing girl's case. Only the old detective brain is a little scrambled and he isn't keen on letting Sipowicz and Sorenson handle his case file, without him being there. Jones comes up with a solution to the problem they have when the dog owner can't identify the man who shot her dog. A canceled check in the case file and a tenant list, lead Sipowicz and Sorenson to suspect's for girl's murder, meanwhile the senile old detective has wandered of and got lost. Sorenson goes off on the suspec

107 votes

#49 - Jackass

NYPD Blue - Season 7 - Episode 9

An old friend of Andy's stops by to ask Andy if he would take his niece out on a date. Andy asks for a couple of hours to make a decision, seek advice and find a babysitter if one is needed. Meanwhile the detectives are sent out to investigate a homicide where the victim is a little ripe. Fancy asks Jones to call his old boss at the Bias unit, when the crime looks as though it might have been gang related. Andy asks Danny if he thinks it would be all right if he went out on a date. Danny encourages him to give it a try. Abner and Fancy have words and Jones isn't sure what to make of the situation. The investigation concludes when the mother gives up her son as their suspect and Jones conducts the interview (with Abner watching). Andy goes on his date as Katie watches Theo. The date goes well, but when Andy returns Katie lets her feelings be known; that is that she wished he had dated her.

A Box of Wendy
82 votes

#50 - A Box of Wendy

NYPD Blue - Season 5 - Episode 12

A man finds an interesting looking box, only it is oozing a liquid that turns out to be the blood from a woman's body that is stuffed inside. Simone and Sipowicz investigate the crime and meet the victim's brother, a man who is more concerned with drinking a particular brand of soft drink. Russell investigates the death of a child whose parents do not seem fit to raise a child. Kirkendall and Medavoy look into the death of a young boy, whose parents later suggest that person who killed their son can be forgiven, after all the Lord has forgiven him. Jill tells Diane that she knows that she is pregnant.

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