The BEST episodes directed by Alison Maclean

155 votes

#1 - Birthday

Homicide: Life on the Street - Season 6 - Episode 4

A young woman is viciously attacked. Falsone and Lewis are called to the scene because the victim wasn't expected to make it. Stivers is working in Sex Crimes and is second to the scene; however, because Homicide was first it is technically their case. The attack is the third in three months and the bosses decide they'll work the case together. Frank's wife is overdue on her delivery. Tim recommends a restaurant whose salad has been known to "kick start" delivery in pregnant women. Frank gives it a try. Georgia Rae Mahoney meets Kellerman and mentions to him that she has a surveillance tape from Luther's condo. She tells him she'll keep in touch. Kellerman tracks down the old surveillance equipment from Luther's condo. A possible suspect is found in the rape case that doesn't turn into anything. A recanvas of the bars brings a new suspect to light. The salad might have worked its magic, because Mary gives birth, although there are complications that cause Frank to think about the job's

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They Shoot Humphreys, Don't They?
962 votes

#2 - They Shoot Humphreys, Don't They?

Gossip Girl - Season 3 - Episode 9

Not satisfied with just being Queen of Constance Billard, Jenny sets her sights on becoming the Queen of all the Upper East Side. Meanwhile Dan and Vanessa try to convince Olivia to stay in NY.

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The River
632 votes

#3 - The River

Carnivàle - Season 1 - Episode 7

While Brother Justin rediscovers his "birthright" on the banks of a river, Iris gets some unexpected support from an attentive radio reporter, named Tommy Dolan, whom offers to spread the word about Brother Justin's parish. At the carnival, Rita Sue and Stumpy argue over their family's future where she, afraid that the family will end up on the breadline, argues with Stumpy over leaving the carnival and moving to Hollywood. Meanwhile, Ben and Ruthie go hunting for snakes to use in her act, and Ben is forced to use his powers to heal Ruthie's simpleton son, Gabriel, after he injures himself, at a cost of several dead fish. Also, Samson goes to work on the bally, and Libby and Sofie see stars (and romance) on the western horizon.

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Dance Fever
4 votes

#4 - Dance Fever

The Adventures of Pete & Pete - Season 3 - Episode 5

Little Pete attends his first school dance and Big Pete develops a crush on the lead singer of the hired band (Luscious Jackson). Pit Stain learns of Little Pete's fear of dancing and tries to exploit it, and Nona tries to avoid the embarrassment of dancing with her "Pop," (Iggy Pop) who takes the stage and sings a song for her.

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Message to the Emperor
1341 votes

#5 - Message to the Emperor

The Tudors - Season 1 - Episode 7

The country is struck down with food shortages and an outbreak of plague, forcing the normally buoyant Henry to doubt his future and abilities - but a sudden change in fortunes is on the horizon.

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Truth and Justice
1244 votes

#6 - Truth and Justice

The Tudors - Season 1 - Episode 8

A special envoy from the Pope arrives to hear Henry's petition regarding the legitimacy of his marriage, with the fate of Cardinal Wolsey's career, the king's romance with Anne Boleyn, and the nation's relationship with Rome in the balance.

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Models and Mortals
1387 votes

#7 - Models and Mortals

Sex and the City - Season 1 - Episode 2

"Suddenly, I felt like I was wearing patchouli in a room full of Chanel." - Carrie Miranda makes the mistake of going out with a "modelizer" (someone who's obsessed with models); Samantha chooses to go out with a modelizer and has her sexual encounter videotaped; Carrie experiments with Derek the Model and flirts with Mr. Big.

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Valley of the Twenty-something Guys
1140 votes

#8 - Valley of the Twenty-something Guys

Sex and the City - Season 1 - Episode 4

"There are no available men in their thirties in New York. Giuliani had them removed along with the homeless." - Miranda Carrie discovers the limitations of going out with a twentysomething hunk. Charlotte's boyfriend has a sexual favor to ask; Samantha comes to the sobering realization that she'll always be older than her boy toy.

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198 votes

#9 - Loyal

The L Word - Season 2 - Episode 8

When Alice runs into her ex, she is surprised to find out that she is now dating Dana's ex-girlfriend. Bette and Tina reach an agreement over their relationship, Jenny is worried that she may have lost a writing job, and Shane finds some comfort in a church.

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