The BEST episodes directed by Akira Matsushima

#1 - The Plagued City
Tales of Zestiria the X - Season 1 - Episode 9
Alisha’s party and the medical unit find the bridge leading to Marlind collapsed due to the heavy rains, and start searching for a detour. Meanwhile, Sorey continues his journey and reveals to Edna the seraph that he is going to Rolance, which is rumored to have many ancient ruins where dragons were deified as gods. Sorey’s earnest faith in the writings in the Celestial Records exasperates Edna, but she opts to tag along. Later, Lailah asks Sorey, “What does ‘purify’ mean to you?” This causes Sorey to reflect on how he must confront future hellions. About that time, Mikleo, armed with a Divine Artifact, heads for Griftlet Bridge where a maelstrom of clouds swirls overhead.
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#2 - The Dawn of Chaos
Tales of Zestiria the X - Season 1 - Episode 5
Velvet – a woman who is in prison. Devouring monsters called “daemons,” she has lived in confinement for several years. Velvet has only one purpose in life. To get revenge against the man who leads the Abbey, an organization of exorcists who possess the power to battle daemons. To bring down the man they call their savior, Artorius Collbrande. One day, Artorius’ former partner, a Malak known as Seres, appears before Velvet to try to help her escape.
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#3 - Izuchi
Tales of Zestiria the X - Season 1 - Episode 2
Sorey decides to take Alisha, the young girl he meets in the ruins, to Izuchi. Mikleo doesn’t care for the idea of taking a human, but Sorey just cannot ignore someone in need. When they reach Izuchi, Alisha passionately calls out to the seraphim to help her. But her pleas seem to go unheard. It is because the seraphim believe that humans will bring calamity to their land. Although she had believed in the seraphim, a forlorn Alisha concludes that the Celestial Record was a legend and nothing more.
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#4 - The War
Tales of Zestiria the X - Season 1 - Episode 11
Sorey and the others leave Rohan the seraph and Atakk the Normin seraph to watch over Marlind, and head for Glaivend Basin at the border of Hyland and Rolance, where Bartlow is attempting to incite a war. Sorey warns Alisha that if war has begun, he will side with neither Hyland nor Rolance. But as a Shepherd, he wants to stop the fighting. Sorey and company reach Glaivend, only to find a battlefield teeming with Malevolence. Alisha sets out to convince Hyland’s General Landon to stop the fighting, but Sorey tells her “I am going to do what I can.”
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#5 - A World Without Malevolence
Tales of Zestiria the X - Season 1 - Episode 13
Accompanied by Rose and the Sparrowfeathers, Sorey and friends head for a new land, Rolance. On the way, some rogues try to sell Rose stolen herbs. When she sees through them, they threaten her, but Rose thrashes them easily. Sorey is impressed with her sharp business acumen. At night, he continues to train with Lailah, learning to recognize and stop the Malevolence; honing his skills to confront the powerful mass of Malevolence known as "The Lord of Calamity." The party arrives in the commercial city of Lastonbell and meet Mayvin the storyteller.
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